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Candidatus Bartonella antechini: A novel Bartonella species detected in fleas and ticks from the yellow-footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes), an Australian marsupial

机译:Candidatus Bartonella antechini:一种在澳大利亚有袋动物的黄脚前脚((Antechinus flavipes)的跳蚤和tick中检出的新型Bartonella物种



Bartonella are fastidious, Gram-negative, aerobic bacilli belonging to the Alphaproteobacteria group. In the last ten years, the discovery of new Bartonella species from a variety of mammalian hosts, arthropod vectors and geographical areas has increased. More than 20 species of Bartonella have been identified, of which approximately thirteen are associated with disease in humans and animals. Recently, four novel species of Bartonella were isolated from mammalian hosts in Australia: Bartonella australis from eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) and Bartonella rattaustraliani, Bartonella queenslandensis and Bartonella coopersplainsensis from rodents. Bartonella-like organisms have also been detected from Ixodes tasmani ticks collected from koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). However, very little is known about Bartonella spp. in other marsupials in Australia. We report the identification of a novel Bartonella species detected from fleas (Acanthopsylla jordani) and ticks (Ixodes antechini) collected from a small carnivorous marsupial, Antechinus flavipes (Mardos or Yellow-footed antechinus) in the southwest of Western Australia. New nested-PCRs targeting the gltA gene and the ribosomal ITS region were developed as part of the present study. DNA sequencing of the 16S rRNA, gltA, ftsZ and rpoB genes and the ribosomal ITS region revealed that this detection is a distinct Bartonella species and is related to B. australis isolated from kangaroos. This is the first report of two different possible arthropod vectors in Australia (ticks and fleas) being infected with the same species of Bartonella. We propose the name Candidatus Bartonella antechini n. sp. for the recently characterized organism.
机译:Bartonella是属于Alphaproteobacteria细菌群的挑剔,革兰氏阴性,好氧杆菌。在过去的十年中,从各种哺乳动物宿主,节肢动物媒介和地理区域中发现了新的巴尔通体物种。已鉴定出超过20种巴尔通体,其中约13种与人类和动物疾病有关。最近,从澳大利亚的哺乳动物寄主中分离出四种新的巴尔通体物种:来自东部灰色袋鼠(Macropus giganteus)的澳大利亚巴尔通体和来自啮齿动物的大鼠巴尔通体rattaustraliani,昆士兰巴尔通体和coopersplainsensis。还从树袋熊(Phascolarctos cinereus)收集的塔斯曼氏I中检出了类似巴尔通体的生物。然而,对巴尔通体属的了解甚少。在澳大利亚的其他有袋动物中。我们报告的鉴定从一个跳蚤(Acanthopsylla jordani)和tick(Ixodes antechini)中发现的一种新的Bartonella物种的鉴定是从西澳大利亚西南部的一个小型食肉有袋动物,黄tech(Mardos或黄脚an)中采集的。作为本研究的一部分,开发了针对gltA基因和核糖体ITS区的新型巢式PCR。对16S rRNA,gltA,ftsZ和rpoB基因以及核糖体ITS区域的DNA测序表明,这种检测是一种独特的巴尔通体物种,与从袋鼠中分离出的澳大利亚双歧杆菌有关。这是首次报道澳大利亚的两种不同的节肢动物媒介(tic虫和跳蚤)感染了相同种类的巴尔通体。我们建议使用Candidatus Bartonella antechini n。 sp。用于最近鉴定的生物。



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